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Showing posts from April, 2018

Tips for Right Brainer & Left Brainer Sales Pros

Sales Pros may be right brainers or left brainers. What works for a right brainer will not work for a left brainer. Here are a few tips to help both.  Tips for a  L eft–brainer S ales P ro ü You typically prefer lists rather than those little scraps of paper all over the table and the room. What will work for you is a commitment to a daily to do list, where you cross off completed tasks. Make sure that you maintain only ONE to do list. Just one. If you maintain your to do list on your laptop or smart phone, don’t forget that you have it. ü Left–brainers tend to be neat, not necessarily organized — they are just tidy . If you have ‘clutter’, do not use a desk drawer. ü Left–brainers prefer storing paper  vertically , not horizontally. Well–labelled file folders, will work best for you. Tips for a  R ight –brainer S ales P ro ü You’re a big picture thinker. You should use scraps of paper or even better, Post It notes, instead of a planner, ...

Want a Referral Engine That Gives Referrals, Everyday ?

Much has been written and for a long time too, about Referral Marketing. Each time there is something new to apply or even in the changed times, the principles are still applicable. Referral Marketing seems like a topic, that always remains relevant, no matter what marketing trends and technologies come and go. Most people think that Referral Marketing is easy. Yet, unless you have a process in place, especially to teach the customers, it can be a daunting task.  Some recommendations, that could help your customers get you referrals are 1.      Help Customers Learn Referral Generation It is in your own interests, that you teach people the best way to refer you. This means helping your customers to understand how they can build referrals. It is critical that you make it easy for people to refer you. If there is any ambiguity at all, you drastically increase your chances of losing a referral There could be a significant drop in the referr...

Story Marketing - Powerful, Compelling, Emotional

Story telling is a very effective way for marketing, simply because the human brain is conditioned to stop and listen, whenever someone starts to tell a story. It begins from the time we were a child and it continues into adulthood. Story Marketing is powerful, compelling and emotionally involving. It cuts through much of the mental resistance to a sales pitch. Stories are very Effectively used by Entrepreneurs A smart entrepreneur, uses stories to illustrate key points about his business. Each story is beautifully crafted and presents a comparison between a business success and business failure and mediocrity. In this blog, we will talk about the power of marketing stories to connect with your prospective customers, to pull them in and engage them. Power of Story Marketing Too much Marketing makes things dull and boring. Most importantly, it misses out on any emotional involvement and connection with the prospect. Most often, Marketing screams the Hype, ...