Sales Pros may be right brainers or
left brainers. What works for a right brainer will not work for a left brainer.
Here are a few tips to help both.
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Tips for a Left–brainer Sales
ü You typically prefer lists rather than those little
scraps of paper all over the table and the room. What will work for you is
a commitment to a daily to do list, where you cross off completed tasks.
Make sure that you maintain only ONE to do list. Just one. If you
maintain your to do list on your laptop or smart phone, don’t forget that
you have it.
ü Left–brainers tend to be neat, not necessarily
organized — they are just tidy.
If you have ‘clutter’, do not use a desk drawer.
ü Left–brainers prefer storing paper vertically, not horizontally. Well–labelled file folders, will work best
for you.
Tips for a Right–brainer Sales Pro
ü You’re a big picture thinker. You should use scraps
of paper or even better, Post It notes, instead of a planner, to catch and store
your ideas. Colour coding is something that will work well for you. You
consider details, like in an expense report, to be a nightmare.
ü Spiral binders will work better than regular paper
tablets. That way you will have to worry less about one of those ideas getting
ü Visual and direct access to papers is the key for
right–brainers. Try file folders with a clear plastic cover, instead of standard manila folders.
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About the Author
Dr. Sunil Pevekar is a PGDM from IIMA and a PhD from USA. He is an expert
on 10X Business Growth and Non–Traditional Marketing Tools & Techniques.
He can be contacted on or +91 7983826309.
He can be contacted on or +91 7983826309.
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