Much has been written and for a long
time too, about Referral Marketing. Each time there is something new to apply
or even in the changed times, the principles are still applicable. Referral
Marketing seems like a topic, that always remains relevant, no matter what
marketing trends and technologies come and go. Most people think that Referral Marketing
is easy. Yet, unless you have a process in place, especially to teach the
customers, it can be a daunting task.
Some recommendations, that could help
your customers get you referrals are
1. Help Customers Learn Referral
is in your own interests, that you teach people the best way to refer you. This
means helping your customers to understand how they can build referrals. It is
critical that you make it easy for people to refer you. If there is any
ambiguity at all, you drastically increase your chances of losing a referral
There could be a significant drop in the referrals generated. Your
customers know, precisely what marketing action steps will be initiated when
and if they refer a lead to you. For some, it may be rewards. Most, however, want
your appreciation, in some form or the other.
2. Put in place a team of Champions
experience has been that the source with the highest potential is a happy
customer. Happy customers can be converted to a Referral Champion, faster and
with lesser efforts, as compared to an unhappy one.
these referral Champions start referring you, think of unique ways to do
something for them, to keep them emotionally engaged with you – something that
makes them feel special, like an evening of appreciation or a gift card to
their favourite coffee shop, or even a small sample of their favourite coffee. Anything
that adds a personal touch to the appreciation that you are showering.
3. Keep a sharp lookout for Moments of Truth
Constantly, keep seeking feedback, in the form of a review, testimonial, or even a compliment.
Best is to have a short video, if possible. Any time you get such a review,
testimonial, or compliment, try your very best to get a referral out of it. Never
forget that, once a referral expectation has been set, you still have to
deliver the goods and delight the customer. Without this, every effort will
fall flat on the ground. Make sure you build (with required documentation) a
process for actually collecting these leads. Try to make it people independent.
4. Develop
a Review Funnel
From day one, you must have solid
plans to make it as easy as possible for customers to refer your business.
Consider using a tool, if required. A review funnel removes the ambiguity out
of how to give a referral. It makes it a step by step and a natural process, in
the hands of your customer, taking him to the right place, to get referrals for
5. Get
to and Stay at the Top of the Mind
A happy customer, is just a start for
referral generation. You need to stay top of mind with your customers. You need
to regularly delight them, so that they will think of you first and consequently,
the referral. Brainstorm to find ways to do more business or get more referrals
from your existing customers.
ensure you don’t ignore your customers, which if you relax your efforts just a
little, think of a calendar of contacts and events, to keep in touch. If done
well, there will never be a gap of more than a month, without some form of
contact. You could use eMails (highlighting referral incentives), holding
referral–based contests, where you recognize and incentivize them. Get
Creative. Sky is the limit. Even something as mundane as a simple phone call, goes
a long way. Call them to see how they’re doing. No agenda.
6. Leverage Content for Referrals
Great (even Good) content helps
people find you and buy from you. It is the starting point of a symbiotic
strategic referral relationships. Can you be a partner who brings great content
to the relationship building table ? If you can, you will surely win !
Content could be in the form of
# Invited Content # Co–Branded Content
# Sponsored
Content # Curated Content
# Incentivized
most important next Action Step is to ask yourself – How soon will you start implementing the Referral Engine for your
business ?
you can do this, you will have a Referral Engine
churns out Referrals, on a daily basis.
To know more, call us today (+917983826309), for a
FREE 30 minutes Strategic Consultation Session.
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